食品中砷含量的测定目前首选法为银盐分光光度法 ,样品在测定前需进行消化处理 ,笔者在工作中多采用硝酸—硫酸消化法 ,在工作中发现 ,样品在消化过程中硫酸含量有一定的损耗 ,特别是一些较难分解的样品。这样在测定时 ,样品消化液中硫酸含量与标准曲线中硫酸含量存在着差异 ,
Determination of arsenic in food Presently the preferred method is silver salt spectrophotometry, the sample needs to be digested before determination, the author in the work more use of nitric acid - sulfuric acid digestion method, found in the work, the sample in the digestion process of sulfuric acid content A certain loss, especially some difficult to decompose the sample. This determination, the sample digestion solution and the standard curve of sulfuric acid content there is a difference,