针对我国褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)近年来严重为害及其对当家农药品种抗性急剧上升的现状,本项目在华中、华南、华东地区等代表性地区开展褐飞虱灾变规律、抗虫品种培育、抗药性监测及复配农药新剂型开发、生态治理新技术研究、预测预报技术、可持续治理技术集成与示范研究。结果表明:越南、老挝等境外虫源地及我国华南、长江中下游等地田间褐飞虱种群仍以2型为主,3型次之。田间小气候是褐飞虱逃避高温的关键因素,褐飞虱在上午气温升高时大量向温度较低的水稻基部20cm范围内转移以逃避高温,将高温天气造成的不利影响降至最低。不同栽插方式对褐飞虱发生量有明显影响,手栽稻田褐飞虱发生最重,机插稻次之,直播稻最轻。不同水稻品种、N肥施用水平对褐飞虱的发生有明显的影响:超级杂交稻褐飞虱虫口密度明显高于常规杂交稻,高N肥施用量促进褐飞虱的发生,且水稻品种与N肥施用量对褐飞虱发生量的影响有明显交互作用。抗药性监测结果表明:我国褐飞虱对吡虫啉有极高水平抗性(168.1~561.5倍),对噻嗪酮为低到中等水平抗性(4.2~33.1倍),对氟虫腈为敏感性降低到高水平抗性(2.7~67.7倍),对烯啶虫胺与毒死蜱为低水平抗性。筛选出噻虫嗪、吡蚜酮、唏啶虫胺和仲丁威4种高效低毒的防治单剂。研制出3种农药复配新制剂,其中1种新制剂已获得农业部药检所正式登记,且规模化生产,2种新制剂已进入农药登记程序。精细定位水稻抗褐飞虱基因Bph6、Bph7、Bph9、Bph15、BG1222,并找到了它们的近距离共分离分子标记。培育出高产、优质、熟期适宜、含有抗稻飞虱基因Bph14的水稻新品种广两优476。储备了一批聚合多抗稻飞虱基因的水稻亲本材料。研发出在田埂种植芝麻、大豆等天敌诱集植物,增加褐飞虱卵期寄生蜂和捕食性天敌蜘蛛的种群数量的轻简化生态调控技术;研发出对褐飞虱成、若虫取食及雌成虫产卵均有驱避作用的植物提取物混配剂3种;研发出显著提高稻虱缨小蜂对田间褐飞虱卵寄生率的引诱剂1种。建立了褐飞虱环境友好防控技术集成体系,并在湖南、湖北、广东、广西、浙江、江西6省区示范应用,取得了良好的经济、生态、社会效益。
In view of the serious damage caused by Nilaparvata lugens (Stl) in recent years in our country and its resistance to the sharp rise of its own pesticide variety, the project carried out the brown planthopper catastrophe law, insect resistance breed breeding in representative areas such as Central China, South China and East China. Drug resistance monitoring and development of new formulations of pesticides, research on new technologies of ecological management, forecasting and forecasting technologies, integration of sustainable management technologies and demonstration studies. The results showed that BPH population was mainly type 2 and type 3 was the second largest source of BPH in fields such as Vietnam and Laos and other areas in south China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. Field microclimate is the key factor of Nilaparvata lugens to evade high temperature. Nilaparvata lugens migrate to the lower part of rice base 20cm in high temperature in the morning to evade high temperature and minimize the adverse effects caused by hot weather. Different transplanting methods had a significant impact on the occurrence of BPH. The brown planthopper occurred the heaviest in the planted rice fields, followed by the rice transplanting and the lightest direct seeding rice. Different rice varieties and N fertilizer application levels had a significant impact on the occurrence of BPH: the population density of BPH was higher than that of conventional hybrid rice, the application of high N fertilizer promoted the occurrence of BPH, and the effects of rice varieties and N fertilizer on BPH The impact of the occurrence of a significant interaction. Insecticide resistance monitoring results showed that the BPH resistance of imidacloprid in our country was 168.1-565.1 times, low to moderate (4.2-33.1 folds) to buprofezin, and decreased to High level of resistance (2.7-67.7 fold), low resistance to nitenpyram and chlorpyrifos. Screening thiamethoxam, pymetrozine, nitenpyram and sec-butyl Dian Wei four kinds of high efficiency and low toxicity of a single agent. Three kinds of new pesticide formulations were developed. One new formulation has been formally registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and has been mass-produced. Two new formulations have entered the pesticide registration process. The brown planthopper resistance genes Bph6, Bph7, Bph9, Bph15 and BG1222 were finely mapped and their close co-separation molecular markers were found. A new rice variety Guanglouyou 476 was cultivated with high yield, good quality and mature maturity. Reserve a batch of rice polyploid planthopper resistance of rice parental material. Developed in Tian 埂 planted sesame seeds, soybeans and other natural enemies to trap plants and increase the brownback siberian egg parasitic wasps and predators of spider populations of natural light to simplify the number of ecological control technology; developed into brown planthopper, nymphs feeding and female adults spawning are Repellent effect of plant extract mixture of 3 kinds; developed a significant increase in the field of small brown beetle parasitism BPH egg attractant 1 species. The integrated system of environment-friendly control and prevention of brown planthopper was established and applied in six provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces and achieved good economic, ecological and social benefits.