瑞士科研人员最近在《关节炎和风湿病杂志》发表的一项研究报告称,适度饮酒不但可以预防风湿性关节炎,而且还能减缓其发展。研究人员对2 900名风湿性关节炎患者进行了长达4年的观察研究,包括定期拍摄X线片、详细记录患者的日常饮食
A recent study by Swiss researchers in the Journal of Arthritis and Rheumatism reported that moderate alcohol consumption not only prevented rheumatoid arthritis but also slowed its development. The investigators conducted a 4-year observation study of 2 900 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, including regular radiography and detailed recording of the patient’s daily diet