最难听的情歌恐怕要数猫的唱法了。 猫平日很乖,温驯得像旧式女子。于人前走过,羞答答的,蹑脚蹑爪如踩着裹足的莲花步,且是捡着墙根,或沿沙发背后绕行;又像颇有心计的下属,主子脸青的时候,便达达地避在一侧,见到春回大地,随即凑上前来,蹭脚,舔手心,转圈咬自己的尾巴,或干脆一跃盘在膝上,讨人的欢心。丰子恺有一篇随笔,记述他豢养的两只小白猫,待他饱后读报,便各踞他的一只脚面静卧,间或还有如行板的鼾声。
I am afraid the most difficult love song to sing a few cats. The cat is very good on weekdays and feels like a old-fashioned woman. In front of people walked, shy answer, stomping claws such as stepping foot wrapped in lotus steps, and is picking up the wall roots, or walk around the sofa; also like the subtle crony, when masters face blue, they reached Reached the ground to avoid the side, to see the spring back to the earth, then come together, rub their feet, lick their hands, circling bite their own tails, or simply jumped on his lap in the lap, pleasing favor. Feng Zikai had an essay describing the two little white cats he had kept. After he had sat up and read the newspaper, he laid his foot on one of his legs and laid it on his bed.