一、背景 水产品及水产加工品是我国农业的一个重要组成部分,在国民经济中占有较重要的地位,我国的水产品及其加工业的水平与水产发达国家相比还较落后,质量参差不齐,经济效益低下,加工率仅占渔获物的27-30%,而发达国家达70%以上;加工缺乏统一的技术操作规范,
First, the background of aquatic products and aquatic products processing is an important part of agriculture in our country, occupies a more important position in the national economy, China’s aquatic products and processing industries compared with the level of aquatic products in developed countries is still relatively backward, the quality of the variable Lack of economic benefits, the processing rate accounted for only 27-30% of catches, while the developed countries reached more than 70%; processing lack of uniform technical norms,