宿根花卉一般是在春天发芽生长,夏秋季以前开花、结实,冬季地上部分干枯,地下部分则进入休眠。第二年春季气温回升时又重复前一年的生命历程。这样的花卉称为宿根花卉,也可称为多年生花卉。 宿根花卉主要的特点是能在露地过冬,对环境要求不高,具有抗旱、抗寒、耐瘠薄土壤的功能。因宿
Perennial flowers germinate and grow in spring, flowering and fruiting before summer and autumn, the ground is partially dry in winter, and the underground part goes to sleep. The second spring of the year when the temperature rose again repeat the previous year’s life history. Such flowers are called perennial flowers, also known as perennial flowers. Perennial flowers are the main characteristics of the winter can be exposed, less demanding on the environment, with drought, cold, barren soil resistance function. Due to places