黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)在我区分布较广,资源比较丰富,年产干植物估计8万担以上,过去除少量收购为中药(每年约200—300担)外,绝大部分未被开发利用。近年来我们对该植物进行了综合利用研究,采用汽油法从其中提取分离出高效、速效、低毒的抗疟新药—黄花蒿素,其含量比北方同种植物约高5—8倍左右,同时从其母液中还能制取日用化工产品的芳香原料,在综合利用方面打开了一条门路.
Artemisia annua L. is widely distributed in our region and has abundant resources. The annual output of dried plants is estimated to be more than 80,000 DM. After the removal of a small amount of acquisition as Chinese medicine (about 200-300 metric tons per year), most of them are not develop and use. In recent years, we have conducted comprehensive research on this plant and extracted and isolated the highly effective, quick-acting, low-toxic anti-malarial drug, chrysanthemum artemisinin, which is about 5-8 times more potent than the northern plants of the same species. At the same time from its mother liquor can also be made of aromatic raw materials for daily chemical products, opened up a road in terms of comprehensive utilization.