一个中国人凭着特有的勤劳、聪明和吃苦耐劳的精神,生意做得如日中天。没多久,轻而易举就能赚取巨大利润的生意吸引了第二个、第三个甚至更多的中国人进入到了国际市场。中国人的产品吸引了更多的人来到国际市场采购,中国人的生意从当初的一家做到现在的 N 多家。一个美国人来到国际市场,他走到第一家中国人的摊位前看看,中国人热情地招徕:“买我的吧,其他家只顾卖产品,售后服务比我的差。”美国人看看就走了。到第二个中国人的生意前,第二个中国人说:“你来我这里买就对啦,其他家的货都是假的,只有我这里是正宗的。”美国人仍是摇摇头走到第三家中国人的摊位前,第
A Chinese man has done business with a lot of diligence, wisdom and hard-working spirit. Not long after, a business that could easily generate huge profits attracted the second, third, or even more Chinese people to enter the international market. Chinese products have attracted more people to purchase in the international market. The Chinese business has grown from the original one to more than N. An American came to the international market. He looked at the booth of the first Chinese. The Chinese warmly invited: “Buy me, other families only sell products, and after-sales service is worse than mine.” Look and go. Before the second Chinese business, the second Chinese said: “You came to me to buy right. Others’ goods are fake. Only me here is authentic.” The Americans still shook their heads. Before going to the third Chinese booth,