走出困境觅商机 1995年,杜玉梅从县国营汽车站下岗后,便进入丈夫在省会创办的一家公司,协助丈夫搞销售。几年下来,公司赚了近百万元。1997年,为追求更高的利润,她丈夫看上了一高新技术项目——生产保健食品,为投资拿出了家中全部积蓄,资金不够,就用房产作抵押向基金会高息贷款。由于该项目用人不当,经营管理滞后,运作不到两年, 就债台高垒,由于无力还款,法院查封了居住的房产,全家人的生活顿时陷入了困境。
Out of the difficult business opportunities In 1995, Du Yumei was laid off from the county state-owned bus station and entered a company her husband founded in the provincial capital to assist her husband in sales. In a few years, the company made nearly a million yuan. In 1997, in pursuit of higher profits, her husband took a high-tech project to produce health foods. He spent all his savings at home and had insufficient funds to use the property as collateral to borrow money from the fund. Due to the improper use of the project, poor management and operation, and less than two years of operation, it was a high base for debts and debts. As a result of the inability to repay the funds, the court seized the real estate and the family’s life suddenly fell into a predicament.