Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition

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  Abstract:Since many factors determine the differences between children and adults in language learning,such as the learning environment,intelligence etc.It is by no means easy for us to draw an absolute answer.As a matter of fact,children and adults both have their own advantages and disadvantages in second language acquisition.
  Key words:Second language acquisition;Age factor;Advantages disadvantages
  1 Children(3~4 years old)
  Children’s brain is plastic and may have an advantage in acquiring phonetics at this stage.Foreign language learning may have trace on their brain and stimulate the neural circuitry of a phonological system so that it is easy for children to form or develop the language habit as well as ability.And the affective filter of children is low,so that they can positively accept language input and get good results.However,there also appear some disadvantages like poor long-term memory,confusion of native and foreign languages or between native culture and foreign culture,poor ability of abstract thinking.
  2 Adolescents(11~17 years old)
  They have developed a high cognitive maturity and are good at imitation and memorizing.Adolescents do better in using communicative strategies and are more capable of understanding language and culture,and therefore it promotes input.Furthermore,the affective filter of adolescents is lower than that of adults.So adolescents excel children and adults in learning rate and aspects like morphology,syntax and listening.
  3 Adults(more than 18 years old)
  Adults have complete neural system and a complete way of thinking,hence,it is easier for them to handle more complicated form or content of a language and have more advantages in reading and writing.Adults have a definite learning purpose and strong impetus,rich knowledge and good understanding and association memory,especially in vocabulary memorizing and mastery of grammar;at the initial stage of learning a foreign language,adults can take the advantage of their mother tongue and monitoring knowledge,which makes them learn faster at the beginning.
  4 Conclusion
  Owing to the different intelligence,social background and the environment,people have different development on affective aspect,cognitive aspect and the physical aspect,people of different ages have their own advantages and disadvantages.
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  [4]顧偉勤.Input,Interaction and the Second Langue Learner[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2008.
摘 要:中学体育是一项促进中学生身心健康发展,提高整体素质的课程,它是指在学校开展一些体育活动,通过激发学生的兴趣爱好和培养学生的思想意志的途径来教学。其中,学生是作为主要的参与对象,在教师的引导下,有效合理的进行教学内容,是中学生主要放松的活动课程,它不仅仅缓解了学生在学习方面的压力,更在一定程度上增强了身体素质,锻炼了身体,在中学所有的课程中是不可缺少的,它的目的性与针对性十分明确和有利,给正
摘 要:随着我国新课程改革的逐渐推进,对物理课程教学标准也在逐渐提高。培养学生进行初步分析和应用科学知识解决简单问题的能力,是物理课程标准中的要求。实验教学是物理教学中至关重要的组成部分,它强调为了提高学生的创新思维能力、解决问题的能力和综合分析能力,要求学生通过动手实践来解决问题。本文主要阐述的是在初中物理教学中如何培养学生的实验能力。  关键词:初中物理;课堂教学;培养;实验能力  具有特殊性
摘 要:德育,即学生的思想道德品质教育,在任何阶段的教育中都应占据首要地位。在中职教育的众多学科中,语文学科在实施德育方面具有得天独厚的条件,它既具有思想性,又富有形象性,文道结合,易于感染学生,因而德育效果更加明显。作为语文教师,应充分利用语文学科这一优势,结合语文课程工具性和人文性的基本特征,在全面提高学生语文素养的同时,努力挖掘语文教材中的德育因素,“润物细无声”地对学生进行教育,促进每个学
摘 要:学生写作能力的培养是英语教学的重要内容,这不仅仅是因为作文分数在英语考试总分数之中占有比较大的比重,同时也是因为英语写作能力的培养對学生的思维发展、表达能力的提高都起到积极的作用。因此,教师必须对初中生英语写作能力的培养给予积极的重视。  关键词:初中英语;英语写作能力;提高  听、说、读、写是中学生学习英语所具备的四种能力,而写作能力是英语综合能力的重要体现,在初中阶段,学生由于词汇贫乏
摘 要:出现错误在学习过程中是不可避免的,是学生学习效果外在的一种表现形式。事实上,对错误进行有效利用也是一种学习,可将错误通过一定的手段和方式转化为教学资源。小学教学应当重视并学习利用学生学习过程中出现的错误,加以有效利用,挖掘错误资源中的有效价值,促进教学质量的提升。  关键词:小学数学;错误资源;有效利用  有时候,错误所具有的价值远远高于正确,它在一定程度上蕴含着创新的可能性。笔者结合多年
摘 要:记笔记作为一种常见的学习策略,一直以来受到广大师生的欢迎。初中数学学科是一个螺旋上升的过程,知识间具有很强的逻辑性,系统性,各部分知识之间都有着内在的联系。学习数学的过程就是不断整理、不断内化、不断完善的过程。整理数学笔记有助于学生形成完整的知识结构,笔者从梳理知识结构图,图表比较相似点,相关题型理成片这三方面来培养学生整理数学笔记的能力,这有不仅有助于培养学生良好的学习习惯,更培养了学生
摘 要:随着科学技术的发展,人们对信息技术的关注度也不断提升,开始加强计算机信息教学,并将信息技术列入到高中必修课程中。但是从当前的教育现状来看,由于很多教师思想认识不到位,导致教学中出现了很多误区,必须及时对其进行分析,促进各项教学的进展。本文主要对中职计算机应用基础的教学误区进行分析,并针对性提出一些问题,希望可以促进中职计算机教学的发展。  关键词:计算机应用基础;教学误区;对策分析  信息