A series of experiments were performed on the viscosity of a nanofluid,produced by mixing car-bon black and mulsifier OP-10 using ammonia-water with the ultrasonic dispersion.The results show that,when adding surfactant separately in low mass concentrations,at first the viscosity of solution decreases sharply compared with that of ammonia-water.then increases with increasing the concentration of OP-IO.In a certain concentration of surfactant,the viscosity of nanofluids increases with increasing the concentration of nanoparti·des.Based on Einstein model and Langrnuir absorption theory,a new model啪s summed up for nanoflukls.Compared with test values,the calcuhted values on the new model have verified that the model is suitable to predict the viscosity of rmnofluids.beoll.k.the maximum relative error is less than 5%.Nano-particles absorp-tion in the nanofluids is not only single-molecule layer adsorption,but aLso multi-layer molecular adsorption and other complicated adsorption.So the new model,ordy based on single-molecule layer adsorption theory of Lang-muir.is not fully in line with the real circumstances.