目的探讨专职临床老师负责制应用于眼科新护士培训的效果和可行性。方法选取1名专职临床老师,任期3年。将20名新护士的培训分为2个阶段,第1阶段由专职老师负责进行法规、护理流程、安全、护士礼仪及专科操作培训;第2阶段采取一对一带教与专职老师督导相结合的方式,每周固定1个下午进行床边人文关怀护理查房、应急预案演练、小讲课及健康教育大讲堂。结果第1阶段考核通过率100%;第2阶段督导1 688人次,A级40.76%,B级36.20%,C级19.02%,D级4.03%;临床综合能力考评优秀4人,良好13人,合格3人。15人认为本培训方式很好。结论采取专职临床老师负责制培训新护士有利于培训系统规范化,从而提高培训效果。
Objective To explore the effect and feasibility of using full-time clinical teacher responsibility system in the training of new ophthalmology nurses. Method Select a full-time clinical teacher for a term of 3 years. The training of 20 new nurses was divided into two phases. The first phase consisted of a full-time teacher in charge of laws and regulations, nursing process, safety, nursing etiquette and specialist operation training. The second phase consisted of one-on-one coaching and supervision by full-time teachers Way, a week fixed 1 afternoon bedside human care nursing rounds, emergency plan exercise, small lectures and health education auditorium. The results of the first phase of the assessment rate of 100%; the second phase of the supervision of 1 688 passengers, A grade 40.76%, B grade 36.20%, C grade 19.02%, D grade 4.03%; clinical comprehensive competency assessment excellent 4 people, good 13, 3 qualified. 15 people think this training method is very good. Conclusion Taking a full-time clinical teacher responsible for the training of new nurses is conducive to the standardization of training system to improve the training effect.