1995年1月12日,中国新闻出版史应该书记的一个日子。 一份名为“神州学人电子版”——Chisa(China’s Scholar Abroad)的中文电子杂志出现在国际计算机网络上。Chisa的出现,标志着中国新闻媒体开始利用现代高科技手段对世界“信息高速公路”计划的积极参与。如同一位身着中山装黄皮肤黑头发的中国人登上国际讲坛,Chisa不同凡响地以中国的面孔从汉字的故乡走向了世界。 从那一天起,许多正在不同国度求学的中国学子从他们的电脑屏幕上惊喜地发现了一幅倍感亲切的图画:鲜艳的五星红旗和醒目的“神州学人”字样组成的Chisa封面。他们欣然接受了这份来自家乡的礼物,不约而同地敲动键盘,发出热情洋溢的电子邮件(E—mail):
January 12, 1995, China’s news publishing history should be secretary of a day. A Chinese e-magazine named “Chinaa Scholar Abroad” named “Shenzhou Scholar Abroad” appeared on the international computer network. The appearance of Chisa marks the active participation of Chinese news media in the world’s “information superhighway” program by means of modern high-tech means. Like a Chinese man dressed in tunic yellow skinned dark hair boarded the international forum, Chisa extraordinary Chinese to the world from the hometown of Chinese characters. Since then, many Chinese students studying in different countries have pleasantly surprised themselves from their computer screens with a heart-warming picture of a Chisa cover composed of brightly colored, five-star red flags and eye-catching “Shenzhou scholars.” They readily accepted this gift from hometown, invariably knocking the keyboard, sending ebullient email (E-mail):