生命的小溪在不停息地流淌。当皱纹嵌上脸庞、霜雪浸染两鬓之时,他才恍悟到自己竟已走进夕照的金色光圈中。没想到啊,时光会过得这么快,一晃就在这块熟悉的园地里耕耘了四十五个春秋! 顺着这串长长的足印回顾,一位业绩卓著的音乐家——教师平和地站在我们的面前。
The stream of life is flowing. When the wrinkles embedded in the face, frost and snow doused, he only realized that he actually went into the golden aperture of the sunset. Did not expect ah, the time will pass so fast, flash in this familiar garden work forty-five Spring and Autumn Period! Follow this long series of footprints review, a well-performing musician - teacher peace Stand in front of us.