广东、海南因其天然的地理位置 ,鱼类生长周期长 ,养殖种类多 ,市场较大等优势 ,海水网箱养殖已颇具规模 ,据不完全统计有200000多个网箱。海水鱼类健康养殖内容包括健康养殖管理 ,苗种选择 ,苗种下海前的消毒免疫 ,合理的密度及搭配 ,苗种的驯化及投饵 ,预防及治疗疾病
Due to its natural geographical location, long fish growth cycle, farmed species and large market, Guangdong and Hainan are well-established in marine cage culture. According to incomplete statistics, there are over 200,000 cages. The healthy farming of marine fish includes the management of healthy breeding, seed selection, disinfection and immunization of seed before the sea, reasonable density and collocation, domestication and feeding of seed, disease prevention and treatment