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费尔巴哈提出宗教是人的本质的异化,从而产生一个问题:“人们是怎样把宗教幻想塞进自己头脑的”。马克思的唯物史观就是通过思考这个问题而形成的。马克思找到的答案是劳动实践——在劳动实践中人和自然相互作用,人的社会关系发生改变,在一定历史阶段出现宗教感情,产生宗教。答案最早出现在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中,它构成马克思唯物史观思想的出发点、前提和理论基础。这在《德意志意识形态》中得到充分体现。马克思的劳动实践思想吸收了唯心主义的积极因素,超越费尔巴哈,把历史和唯物主义结合在一起,形成他的唯物史观。这是包含人、自然界和社会的历史在内的大唯物史观。实践活动的特点决定了大唯物史观的唯物主义性质。马克思的唯物史观是劳动实践思想和我们所熟悉的历史唯物主义基本原理的有机结合,《德意志意识形态》中有对它的完整表述。 Feuerbach argues that religion is the alienation of human nature and raises the question: “How do people stuff religious fantasies into their own heads.” Marx’s historical materialism was formed by thinking of this question. The answer that Marx finds is labor practice - in the labor practice, the interaction between man and nature changes the social relations of human beings. Religions and religions appear in certain historical stages. The earliest appeared in the “Feuerbach’s outline”, which constitutes the Marxist historical materialism concept of the starting point, premise and theoretical basis. This is fully reflected in the “German Ideology.” Marx’s thought of labor practice absorbed the positive factors of idealism, surpassing Feuerbach and combining history and materialism to form his historical materialism. This is a grand historical materialism that includes the history of people, nature and society. The characteristics of practical activities determine the materialist nature of the great historical materialism. Marx’s historical materialism is the organic combination of labor practice thought and the familiar historical materialism. There is a complete account of it in “German Ideology.”