Feuerbach argues that religion is the alienation of human nature and raises the question: “How do people stuff religious fantasies into their own heads.” Marx’s historical materialism was formed by thinking of this question. The answer that Marx finds is labor practice - in the labor practice, the interaction between man and nature changes the social relations of human beings. Religions and religions appear in certain historical stages. The earliest appeared in the “Feuerbach’s outline”, which constitutes the Marxist historical materialism concept of the starting point, premise and theoretical basis. This is fully reflected in the “German Ideology.” Marx’s thought of labor practice absorbed the positive factors of idealism, surpassing Feuerbach and combining history and materialism to form his historical materialism. This is a grand historical materialism that includes the history of people, nature and society. The characteristics of practical activities determine the materialist nature of the great historical materialism. Marx’s historical materialism is the organic combination of labor practice thought and the familiar historical materialism. There is a complete account of it in “German Ideology.”