Female patient, 17 years old, hospital number 42646. Due to fatigue, fever, facial erythema on May 24, 1982 first admission. Check: body temperature 39.2 ℃, facial was butterfly erythema, normal blood, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 41mm / hour, alanine aminotransferase 244 gold units, zinc sulfate turbidity 19.1 units, thymol turbidity 17.6 units, musk floss ++, urea Nitrogen 30mg%, urinary protein ±, serum samples were cloudy, lupus erythematosus cells (a), I found no abnormalities. Diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), after treatment with prednisone improved discharge. June 11, 1983 due to high fever, upper abdomen and continuous umbilical swelling