1950年5月的一天,昆明胜利堂内,省市机关、团体和起义部队的干部济济一堂,陈赓当众宣布要限期剿灭云南匪特。与此同时,另一项重要工作——审讯在云南抓获的一批国民党重要特务,也在紧锣密鼓地进行。 卢汉起义时,抓获一批国民党重要特务;我进军云南后又有一些特务落网。这些特务多系军统、中统和国防部二厅的要员,亲手布置了西南的潜伏计划,参与过蒋介石逃离大陆前夕的应变活动。中央和
One day in May 1950, Kunming Shengli Church, provincial and municipal authorities, groups and insurgent troops gathered together, Chen 赓 publicly announced the deadline to destroy Yunnan bandit. In the meantime, another important work, the trial of a batch of the important special agents of the Kuomintang caught in Yunnan Province, is also being conducted in full swing. During the Luhan Uprising, a number of important special agents of the Kuomintang were arrested; some spies were arrested after I marched to Yunnan. Many of these agents were agents of the Central Military Commission, the Central Government, and the Ministry of National Defense, and personally arranged the latent plan for the southwest and participated in the contingency activities that Chiang Kai-shek flee from the mainland. Central and