Female patient, 56 years old, due to sudden headache, vomiting, right limb weakness treatment. Nervous system examination; delirium, fundus papilledema, double pupil normal, right nasolabial fold shallow, left angle mouth, right tongue extension, right limb muscle strength 0, Kirschner sign (+), CT showed left Side of the basal ganglia with 1.5cm × 2cm high-density shadow, no shift in the midline structure. According to the internal capsule hemorrhage for 3 weeks, patients with clear consciousness, right answers, occasional headache without vomiting, right upper limb muscle strength Ⅰ, lower limb muscle strength Ⅱ, no pathological signs, lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid showed: pressure 1.8kPa, red blood cells 0.05 × 10 ~ (12) / L, protein 2g / L, in the fourth week of treatment without any incentive, patients with sudden headache, jet vomiting, the right pupil 3mm, the left pupil 2mm, the light reflex still exists, Bleeding treatment, no CT examination. The third day we found a small amount of vaginal bleeding when the patient stood up and asked history, the patient has been menopausal 5 years, the gynecological consultation, uterine cavity taken specimens sent to pathological examination, reported a group