从原产地引入史密斯桉7个种源,以蓝桉、直干桉为对照,在云南亚热带地区的5个试点上进行史密斯桉不同种源的引种试验。5年的试验结果表明:史密斯桉在各试验点上的生长表现较好。其树高、胸径和材积的生长总体超过蓝桉和直干桉;各试验点的史密斯桉全年都在生长,一般以7月生长量最大,2月生长量最小;平均出油率分别超过蓝桉、直干桉69 89%和51 78%,桉叶油的1,8-桉叶素含量分别超过直干桉和蓝桉8 87%、11 14%。每公顷桉叶油产量超过蓝桉30 66%,超过直干桉9 17%,每公顷桉叶素产量分别超过蓝桉和直干桉45 25%和18 93%。史密斯桉不同种源间的树高、胸径和材积变异幅度较小,而种源内的变异幅度较大,为种源间变异的5~6倍。种源间树高、胸径、出油率、产叶量差异都达到显著或极显著水平,树高的地点与种源间存在极显著的交互作用;树高、胸径、材积、产叶量、出油率的种源遗传力分别为0 18、0 50、0 22、0 33、0 36;产叶量与胸径、冠幅、枝重成正相关,出油率、1,8-桉叶素含量这两个性状与其他各性状相关不显著,为相对独立的性状。根据树高表型值,分别选出适宜各试验点种植的优良种源;根据不同育种目的分别进行了用材林种源选择、油用林种源选择和材油兼用林种源选择。其中油用林种源选择效果最好,其桉叶素产量增益可
Seven provenances were introduced from the origin of E. fortunei, and the introduction trials of E. fortunei different provenances were conducted on five plots of Yunnan subtropics with Eucalyptus gloeosporioides and Eucalyptus globulus as control. Five years of test results show that: the growth of Eucalyptus Smith at all test points performed well. The growth of tree height, DBH and volume generally exceeded that of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus urophylla. The growth of Eucalyptus grandis in each test site was generally year-round, with the largest growth in July and the smallest growth in February. The average oil-out rates exceeded Eucalyptus, eucalyptus and eucalyptus were 69 89% and 51 78% respectively, and the eucalyptol content of eucalyptus oil exceeded 8 87% and 11 14% respectively of eucalyptus and eucalyptus. Eucalyptus oil yield per hectare exceeded that of Eucalyptus grandis by 30.66%, exceeding that of 17.17% of Eucalyptus grandis. Eucalyptol production per hectare exceeded 45.25% and 18.93% of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus macrophylla, respectively. The tree height, diameter at breast height and volume variation of E. fortunei from different provenances were smaller, while the variation within the provenances was larger, which was 5 to 6 times of the variation among provenances. The differences in tree height, DBH, oil yield and leaf yield among provenances reached significant or extremely significant levels. There was a significant interaction between tree height and provenances. Tree height, DBH, volume, leaf yield, The heritability of oil yield was 0 18,0 50,0 22,0 33,0 36 respectively. The leaf yield was positively correlated with DBH, crown width and branch weight. The oil yield, 1,8-cineole Content of these two traits and other traits related to insignificant, relatively independent traits. According to the tree height phenotypic values, the best provenances were selected for each test point. According to different breeding purposes, provenance selection of timber forests, selection of provenances for oil forests and selection of provenances for both oil and wood were conducted respectively. Which oil forest provenance best choice, the yield of eucalyptus can yield