I. INTRODUCTION Atomic fluorescence spectrometry is a new method of trace analysis that has much in common with both atomic absorption spectrometry and flame atomic emission spectrometry. The new method is highly sensitive and allows the use of a simple instrument system without dispersion, simultaneous multi-element determination and flameless analysis. The fluorescence of atomic vapors was studied by many physicists as early as the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1956, Boers et al. Made great progress in the fundamental physical and chemical processes of sodium resonance fluorescence study. At the 1962 International Symposium on Spectroscopy, Alkemadet provided an overview of the method of exciting atoms in a flame, a device for measuring the quantum efficiency of sodium D two-line resonance fluorescence in different flames, and proposed that atomic fluorescence can be used in analytical chemistry Get applied. However, this method is still used in analytical chemistry after 1964