以“融合·发展”为主题的2009北京汽车嘉年华·博览会(Beijing Motor Show)于7月24日在中国国际展览中心(老馆)盛大举行。本次车展约有40家汽车企业参加展出车辆达200多辆,总展览面积超过3万平米,为2009年度北京最大规模的车市盛会,活动吸引了大量参观者前往。
The 2009 Beijing Motor Show, themed on “Convergence and Development,” was grandly held on July 24 at China International Exhibition Center (Old Building). About 40 auto companies participated in the exhibition with more than 200 vehicles on display and the total exhibition area exceeded 30,000 square meters. This exhibition was the largest car market event in Beijing in 2009, attracting a large number of visitors.