Q:能介绍一下英菲尼迪的可变压缩比发动机吗?压缩比是怎样改变的?A:您好.英菲尼迪发布了一台全新的2.0T发动机,这台机器不再是基于梅赛德斯-奔驰M274发动机的产物。被英菲尼迪称为VC-T(Variable Compression Turbocharged)2.0T发动机,采用了当前日系最流行的双喷射(歧管喷射+缸内直喷)、双循环(阿特金森循环+奥托循环)技术,除此之外,更是把“可变压缩比”这个概念投入到了量产当中。可变压缩比技术,能使发动机在低负荷时.采用一个高的压缩比,着重燃油经济性;高负荷时采用一个低
Q: Can you tell us about Infiniti’s variable compression ratio engine? How is the compression ratio changed? A: Hello Infiniti has released a brand new 2.0T engine that is no longer based on Mercedes-Benz M274 engine product. Called Infiniti VC-T (Variable Compression Turbocharged) 2.0T engine, using the current Japanese most popular dual injection (manifold injection + in-cylinder direct injection), double cycle (Atkinson cycle + Otto cycle) technology, In addition, the concept of “variable compression ratio” is put into mass production. Variable compression ratio technology allows the engine at low load, using a high compression ratio, focusing on fuel economy; high load using a low