在我国医学史上,出现过许多著名的女性医学家,她们医技精湛、医德高尚、救死扶伤、为民除病,深得后人的敬仰和称道。 医技高超 征召入宫 远在2000多年前的西汉时代,河东地方(今山西省夏县)有一个名叫义妁的女子,她是我国历史上早期著名的女医生。义妁从小就对药草有兴趣,十几岁就上山采药,捣烂后给乡亲们敷治外伤。平时只要有郎中路过,她总是虚心请教,日积月累,学到了许多医药知识,积累了丰富的临床经验。有一
In the history of medicine in our country, there have been many famous female medical scientists who are highly skilled, noble in medical ethics, who have been rescuing their lives and helping the people to get rid of the disease and won the admiration and commendation of their descendants. Medical skills summoned into the palace As far back as more than 2,000 years ago in the Western Han Dynasty, Hedong (now Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province) has a woman named Yi Yao, she is the early history of our country famous female doctor. Yi Xun interested in medicine from an early age, teens herbs on the mountain, smashed folks who apply rule trauma. Usually as long as Lang Lang passing, she always humbly ask, over time, learned a lot of medical knowledge, has accumulated rich clinical experience. There is one