肝豆状核变性 (Wilson′sdisease ,WD)是常染色体隐性遗传性铜代谢障碍性疾病 ,WD如何与其他肝病鉴别 ,是临床医生经常遇见的难题。尽管肝豆状变性的文献浩如烟海 ,然而国外大宗的系统的关于不同肝病患者铜代谢资料并不多见。为此 ,我们近年对不同肝病患者铜代谢异常进行了研究
Wilson’s disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of copper metabolism. How WD differentiates from other liver diseases is a common problem for clinicians. Although the literature of hepatic degeneration is vast, the bulk of systemic foreign data on copper metabolism in patients with different liver diseases is rare. To this end, we in recent years on different liver disease patients with copper metabolism were studied