In order to find the statistical criterion for the evolution of seismicity, this paper presents a polynomial fitting method to show the fluctuation spectra of seismic time series, and the Poisson property of NNS distribution by fractal dimension method. Then, The statistical stability of the spectrum and the determination of the transition region of NNS distribution are discussed in detail. The statistical distribution of the seismic activity time series in several earthquake regions in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces is studied. It is found that the NNS distribution is non-Poissonized when the seismic active phase arrives. Further, by changing and adjusting the lower bound of the magnitude of the time series data samples and proceeding statistical calculation step by step, the reliability of the results is further verified, and the transitional period of statistical features of seismic fluctuation sequence of earthquake activity is objectively determined. The methodology of judging the active period of the earthquake according to the statistical method is gradually improving.