四、实施内引外联战略,对外开放程度提高“十五”时期,抓住我国加入WTO及国际产业结构加快调整和转移的机遇,以国际、国内两个市场为导向,大力实施“引进来”、“走出去”战略,坚持“南联北开”,以对俄贸易为重点,形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局。 (一)对外开放进一步扩大,实际利用外资大幅增加。以哈洽会、冰雪节、雪博会、绿博会等为重点,加快会展经济建设步伐,为实现经济快速发展构建新的平
IV. Implementing the strategy of introducing inward and outward FDI and improving the degree of opening to the outside world During the “Tenth Five-year Plan” period, we will seize the opportunity of China’s accession to the WTO and the acceleration of adjustment and transfer of the international industrial structure, take the guidance of both international and domestic markets and vigorously implement the “ ”And“ going global ”. We will adhere to the“ North South Movement ”and focus on trade with Russia to form an all-round, multi-level and broad-based pattern of opening up to the outside world. (I) Opening wider to the outside world and substantially increasing actual utilization of foreign investment. With the Harbin Fair, Ice and Snow Festival, snow fair, Green Expo, etc. as the focus, speed up the pace of convention and exhibition economy, in order to achieve rapid economic development to build a new level