研究慢走丝电火花线切割加工中电极振动对加工状态和过程的影响。应用计算机仿真技术 ,分析连续放电力作用下线的振动模态以及对放电点转移和分布的作用。结果表明 ,加工工艺参数明显影响放电点的转移与分布。适当地选择工艺参数可获得最佳的放电分布率。该研究对提高慢走丝加工稳定性 ,防止断丝的发生提供了相应理论依据。
The influence of electrode vibration on machining status and process in wire-driven WEDM was studied. The computer simulation technique is applied to analyze the vibration mode and the effect on the transfer and distribution of discharge under continuous discharge. The results show that the processing parameters significantly affect the discharge point of the transfer and distribution. Proper selection of process parameters gives the best discharge distribution rate. The study provides a theoretical basis for improving the stability of slow-moving silk processing and preventing the occurrence of broken filaments.