“智能家居”一词是由20世纪80年代的“电子化住宅”演变而来。当时人们的生活步入了电子时代,大量的电子产品进入到了人们的家庭生活中。随着家用电器的不断增多,人们置身于便捷而繁琐的困扰中。据美国白色家电行业协会的数据统计:80年代中期一户美国中产阶级家庭平均人口为6人,而使用的家用电器数量为18件,驱动按钮数量达到38个。也就是一位家庭主妇每天需要花费3~4个小时来调节家中的各类电器,在享受现代化生活的同时也颇感繁琐。但随着通信与信息技术的发展,出现了对住宅中各种通信、家电、安保设备通过总线技术进行布线、监视、控制与管理的商用系统,这在美国称为Smart Home,也就是现在智能家居的原型,从此“智能家居”成为了人们现代化生活的一部分。
The term “smart home” evolved from the “e-house” of the 1980s. At that time people’s lives entered the electronic age, a large number of electronic products into people’s family life. As the number of home appliances continues to increase, people are confronted with convenient and tedious troubles. According to the statistics of the white goods industry association of the United States, the average middle-class family size of a U.S. middle-aged family was 6 in the mid-1980s, while the number of household appliances used was 18 and the number of driving buttons was 38. That is, a housewife need to spend 3 to 4 hours a day to regulate the various types of electrical appliances at home, while enjoying the modern life is also quite cumbersome. However, with the development of communication and information technology, there has emerged a commercial system for wiring, monitoring, controlling and managing all kinds of communications, home appliances and security equipment in a house, which is called smart home in the United States Since then, “smart home” has become a part of people’s modern life.