说到抄袭和山寨,很多人首先想到的自然是些籍籍无名的后生小辈在想“红”心理作崇下做出的一些不恰当行为,但实际上,真正能够引起轰动效应的抄袭和山寨行为,却往往来自于那些大牌和大腕儿。为什么这么说?原因其实很简单也很残酷:腕儿小了谁有闲情去关注,也就只有那些大腕的一举一动才真的时时刻刻牵动着众人的心。最近跟大腕儿有关的抄袭事件来自于达明安·赫斯特:加拿大艺术家和首饰设计师科林·沃斯滕霍姆(Colleen Wolstenholme)状告赫斯特涉嫌剽窃她设计的药丸饰物手链。几周前,这起官司已经在纽约曼哈顿联邦法院
When it comes to plagiarism and cottage, the first thing that many people think of first is some improper behavior made by postnatal juniors who have no name on their minds. However, in fact, plagiarism can really cause a sensational effect And cottage behavior, but often from those big names and big names children. Why do you say? The reason is actually very simple and cruel: Wrist children who have time to pay attention to leisure, that is, only those big names move every move really affects the hearts of all people. Recent plagiarism related to the biggest names came from Damien Hearst: Canadian artist and jewelry designer Colleen Wolstenholme sued Hurst for plagiarism of the pill bracelet she designed. A few weeks ago, the lawsuit was already at the federal court in Manhattan, New York