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随着新课程标准的大力推行与实施,全新的课堂导入模式已经出现,主要凸显“新颖性、典型性、适度性”三个特点,但是如何在课堂上实现高效的课堂导入模式是当前高中化学教师值得深思熟虑的一个问题,教师必须在对教材有了深刻的了解基础之上设计巧妙的导入模式,才能将学生的思维、兴趣点完全地转移到课堂上,这样才能有效地提升课堂效率,提升课堂质量。 With the vigorous promotion and implementation of the new curriculum standard, the new classroom introduction mode has appeared, mainly highlighting the three characteristics of “novelty, typicality and moderationality”, but how to realize an efficient classroom introduction mode in the classroom is the current High school chemistry teachers deserve a thoughtful question, teachers must have a profound understanding of the textbook based on the clever design of the importation of the students thinking, points of interest completely transferred to the classroom, so as to effectively improve classroom efficiency , Improve classroom quality.