首都电子商城是在互联网数据中心(IDC)基础上建立起来的超级应用服务提供商(Super ASP)。它依托于功能强大的首都公用信息平台(CPIP)、形成中国最大的具有“社区效应”的虚拟社区(VirtualCommunity)。它既是电子商务核心软件汇集、开发与营销的基地,也是伴随着风险投资的孵化中心。
Capital Mall is a Super Application Service Provider (Super ASP) built on top of the Internet Data Center (IDC). It relies on the powerful Capital Common Information Platform (CPIP) to form China’s largest community-enabled virtual community. It is not only the core of e-commerce software collection, development and marketing base, but also with the venture capital incubation center.