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融合发展,是媒体行业近年来面临的最深刻的变革。从世纪之交互联网媒体出现以后,就存在一个媒体融合的问题,就开始了媒体融合的过程。但推进媒体深度融合发展,则是近年来移动新媒体出现以后的事。在这方面,中央的顶层推动是一个强大的动力。从2013年的“8·19”讲话到2016年的“2·19”讲话,习近平总书记多次就加快推进传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展做出重要指示,提出明确要求。2017年1月,中宣部召开的推进媒体深度融合工作座谈会,明确移动优先战略,使传统媒体和新兴媒体深度融合进入了普遍性的操作阶段。 The integration and development are the most profound changes that the media industry has faced in recent years. Since the advent of Internet media at the turn of the century, there has been a problem of media convergence and the process of media convergence has begun. However, pushing forward the media’s in-depth integration and development is what happened after the advent of mobile new media in recent years. In this regard, the top push by the Central Government is a powerful impetus. From “8 · 19” speech in 2013 to “2.19” speech in 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly made important instructions on accelerating the integration and development of traditional media and emerging media and put forth specific requirements. In January 2017, the Central Propaganda Department held a symposium on promoting the media’s deep integration work, clarifying the mobile-first strategy and integrating the traditional media and emerging media deeply into the operation phase of universality.
The dynamics of spatial parallel manipulator with rigid and flexible links is explored. Firstly, a spatial beam element model for finite element analysis is est
The classical elastic impedance(EI) inversion method,however,is based on the L2-norm misfit function and considerably sensitive to outliers,assuming the noise o