1991年3月10~11日在法国贝藏松(Besancon)召开了一次实验室型频标准确度国际专题讨论会。此次讨论会是由法国国家计量局时间频率基准实验室的M.Granveaud和A.Clairon以及意大利都灵工业大学教授A.De Marchi三人发起,由欧共体资助的。出席会议的有法、美、英、中、苏、德、日、意、加、瑞士等10个国家的30位学者,包括新任国际计量局时频处处长C.Thomas女士。 如所周知,频率基准是当今国际上最准确的计量基准,其准确度比其它物理量的基准要高出4、5个数量级,因此,长度及一些电磁量单位已由频率导出,并有进一步使各种计量
March 10-11, 1991 A laboratory-type international standard symposium on frequency standard accuracy was held in Besancon, France. The seminar was initiated by M. Granveaud and A. Clairon of the French National Bureau of Metrology, Time Frequency Reference Laboratory, and A. De Marchi, a professor at Turin Polytechnic University in Italy, funded by the European Community. Thirty scholars from 10 countries including France, the United States, Britain, China, the Soviet Union, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Switzerland attended the meeting, including Ms. C. Thomas, the new Director of Time and Frequency of the International Bureau of Metrology. As we all know, the frequency reference is the most accurate measurement standard in the world today. Its accuracy is 4, 5 orders of magnitude higher than the reference of other physical quantities. Therefore, the length and some units of the electromagnetic quantity have been derived from the frequency and further Various measurement