香花槐为蝶形花科槐树属落叶乔木,是著名的城市园林及道路绿化的优良香花树种。盛开的花朵与繁茂的绿叶和优美的树形相映衬,别具特色,极具观赏价值,颇富园林木本花卉之风采。春季繁花满枝,清香飘逸,沁人心脾,使人心旷神怡。花后枝叶茂盛,树冠开阔,树姿壮美。七至八月间,二次盛花,花叶相衬,景致别具一格,为优美的观赏树木,是园林、道路、庭院等各种园林绿地的绿化佳品。 香花槐耐寒、抗干旱、耐瘠薄、病虫少、抗逆性强。栽培容易,繁殖简单、材
Fragrant flower Sophora japonica is a deciduous tree belongs to the deciduous trees, is a famous urban landscape and road afforestation of the fine fragrant tree species. Blooming flowers and lush greenery and beautiful trees against the background, distinctive, highly ornamental value, quite rich garden flowers style. Full bloom in spring flowers, fragrance elegant, refreshing, people relaxed and happy. After flowering branches and lush, crown open, tree pose magnificent. From July to August, the second full bloom, Miaofei phase contrast, unique scenery for the beautiful ornamental trees, gardens, roads, gardens and other greening greenery. Fragrant Hua Huai cold, drought-resistant, resistant barren, fewer pests and strong resistance. Easy to grow, reproduce simple, timber