Rhubarb is the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese medicine. It is not only used in many decoctions but also contains many Chinese patent medicines such as Qingning Tablets, Xinqingning Tablets, Jieshu Tablets, Mare Tablets, and Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets. Recent studies and clinical applications have demonstrated that rhubarb has significant effects such as detoxification, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, and catharsis. With the continuous deepening of its pharmacological research, it has attracted the attention of the pharmaceutical industry at home and abroad, and the phenomenon of the combination of this product with Western medicine has also increased. The active ingredients of rhubarb, especially the terpenoids and tannins, play a role in Western medicine and have a great influence on clinical efficacy. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand their interaction. The rational compatibility of rhubarb and western medicine One, rhubarb and baking soda (NB) compatibility, made of compound rhubarb soda tablets, to increase appetite and help digestion have a synergistic effect. Because rhubarb can promote the secretion of liver, bile and other digestive juices, and gallbladder and promote digestion. Baking soda (NB) is a weakly alkaline drug. After oral administration, it can quickly neutralize excess gastric acid in the stomach and strengthen the stomach. The use of sodium bicarbonate in the stomach is more complete. Another thought that the use of the two could invalidate the latter.