亲爱的同志们: 今天,我们以无限的崇敬和热爱向诸位提起德国十八世纪伟大的诗人、剧作家约翰·克利斯朵夫·弗烈德力希·席勒的光辉名字。这位诗人于一七五九年十一月十日,诞生于符腾堡公国;于一八○五年五月九日逝世于魏玛公国。作为世界文化名人,我们于一九五五年五月五日举行过席勒逝世一百五十年纪念,今天我们又举行这个盛大集会,和首次演出他的杰作《阴谋与爱情》来纪念诗人诞生二百周年,并向产生这位诗人的伟大德国人民致以崇高的敬意和热烈的祝贺。
Dear Comrades, Today, with infinite reverence and love, we bring to you the brilliant name of Germany’s great eighteenth-century poet and playwright John Krisdorf and Fred Lichtenstein. The poet was born on 10 November 1759 in the Principality of Württemberg and died on May 9, 1805 in the Principality of Weimar. As a celebrity of world culture, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of Schiller’s death on May 5, 1955. Today we hold this grand gathering and perform for the first time his masterpiece “Conspiracy and Love” to commemorate the poet The two hundredth anniversary of his birth and his highest respects and warm congratulations to the great German people who gave birth to this poet.