钎焊,是直径57~89mm 管子有前途的焊接方法之一。与手工电弧焊相比,钎焊具有许多工艺优势,并能确保接头的高质量。但是,对小尺寸零件接头的钎焊,现在还只能在工厂中进行。全苏管道干线敷设科学研究所,在所进行研究的基础上,制定出了用于油田管线接缝感应钎焊的工艺。并制成了试验性钎焊综合设备。在这种方法中,利用对金属管施加高频交变磁场加热焊件,以确保焊件受热均匀,加热过程的有效功率高。
Brazing is one of the promising welding methods for pipes with a diameter of 57-89 mm. Compared with manual arc welding, brazing offers many process advantages and ensures high quality joints. However, the brazing of small size fittings can now only be done at the factory. All-Su pipeline laying Institute of Science, in the study carried out on the basis of the development of the oil pipeline seams induction brazing process. And made a comprehensive experimental brazing equipment. In this method, the use of high frequency alternating magnetic field on the metal pipe heating the weldment to ensure that the weldment is heated evenly, the effective power of the heating process.