目的了解上海某高校偏瘦学生饮食习惯和营养状况,找出可能导致体格偏瘦的原因,并针对出现的问题进行合理的膳食干预。方法采用24 h膳食记录及称重法,连续5 d调查上海某高校30名BMI值在18.5以下大学生的膳食结构特点以及家庭状况,分析总结出可能导致消瘦的原因。结果我校学生体质偏瘦的成因不是单一的,主要原因可能是近一半的同学有不同程度的胃部不适,以致影响食物量的摄入和消化。其次是有一半同学存在不同程度的挑食现象,导致营养物质的摄入量不足以及摄入的营养素不均衡,这也可能和患有不同程度的胃部不适相关,影响食欲。结论男女生每日摄入的总能量分别为:7 917 kJ、7 114 kJ,这与DRIs推荐值10 032 kJ、8 778 kJ:有一定差距,因此需要进行针对性的膳食干预。
Objective To understand the eating habits and nutritional status of underweight students in a certain university in Shanghai, find out the reasons that may cause the body to be lean, and to make reasonable dietary interventions according to the emerging problems. Methods The dietary characteristics and family status of 30 undergraduates with a BMI of 18.5 in a university in Shanghai were investigated by means of 24 h dietary record and weighing method for 5 consecutive days. The possible causes of weight loss were analyzed. Results Our school students physique is not lean reason is not single, the main reason may be nearly half of students have different degrees of stomach discomfort, so affect the amount of food intake and digestion. Second, there are half of students have different degrees of picky eaters, resulting in inadequate intake of nutrients and nutrients intake is not balanced, which may also be associated with varying degrees of stomach discomfort, affecting appetite. Conclusions The total energy intake of boys and girls per day is 7 917 kJ and 7 114 kJ, respectively, which is different from the recommended value of DRIs of 10 032 kJ and 8 778 kJ: therefore, targeted dietary intervention is needed.