It is also an important system in the process of the development of the city-state in Athens, and it refers to a process in which rich citizens make up part of the state’s expenses in a socially responsible manner. According to the available material records, the “charity donation” of wealthy citizens of Athens began in 502 BC From the 5th to the 4th centuries BC, the rich citizens’ charity donation project in Athens Often changing, and the difference between the needs of each project.Most and often spend the most “commonweal donation” There are two types of projects, one related to the war, such as undertaking the construction and equipping warships and other expenses in order to fulfill their social obligations The construction and equipping of the warship began in 483 BC when the archon was Temis Stockel (528 BC-462 BC). In response to the Persian navy he put the 100 tower The rand, which weighs about 26.2 kilos per Tarrant, gives 100 of the richest citizens in Athens, one Tarrant per person, and instructs each of them to build a three-row paddle battleship. The deficit is made up by themselves. 480 BC