作者调查近五年日本出版的妇科教科书12种中更年期障碍的定义都是“更年期障碍是在更年期出现的不定愁诉综合征”“分为自律神经失调症、心因性因素引起的神经症、及两种因素并存的身心症三类”,已作为学术界统一见解。作者有不同看法其依据是(1)定义使用“不定愁诉综合征”一词,包括更年期的所有症状,也包括了原因不明的症状。如本态性高血压及各种疾病引起的肩酸、头痛等。(2)心因性症状与抑郁症、假性抑郁症等精神疾病,是否应归入更年期障碍中?因抑郁症在青春期,性成熟期与老年期均可发生。如偶发于更年期即作为此期障碍处理。(3)在日本妇女一生更年期为半年——五、六年,更年期障碍出现的时期更短,而闭经后的老年期长达二十年。欧美已对此期认真研究,日本则反将更年期障碍作为问题,而很少研究绝经期的问题。较诸欧美已晚10年。最近,美国几不用更年期障碍一词,而用绝经期综合征。如 Benson 著的《现代妇产科诊断与治疗》一书中,关于绝经综合征将雌激素缺乏的症状
The author of the survey in the past five years published in Japan, gynecology textbooks 12 kinds of menopause are defined as “Menopause is the phenomenon of menopause appear in the anxiety syndrome” is divided into autonomic disorders, psychogenic factors caused by neurosis, And the coexistence of two factors of psychosomatic disease three categories, “as a unified view of the academic community. The authors have different views based on (1) the definition of using the word ”worry about complaints syndrome“, including all the symptoms of menopause, but also includes unexplained symptoms. Such as the status of high blood pressure and various diseases caused by shoulder pain, headache and so on. (2) Should psychiatric symptoms and mental disorders such as depression and pseudo-depression be classified as menopausal disorders, because depression can occur in adolescence, sexual maturity and old age. If incidental menopause is treated as an obstacle in this period. (3) In Japan, women’s lifetime menopause is six months - five or six years, menopausal disorders appear more short period of time, and the elderly after amenorrhea as long as 20 years. Europe and the United States have carefully studied this issue, while Japan is opposed to the menopause as a problem, and seldom studied the issue of menopause. More than the United States and Europe have 10 years later. Recently, the United States almost do not use the term menopause, but rather the use of menopausal syndrome. As Benson’s ”Modern Obstetrics and Gynecology Diagnosis and Treatment," a book about the symptoms of menopausal syndrome estrogen deficiency