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目的对4种不同树种来源的桑黄菌株进行分离、鉴定,并对次生代谢物进行分析。方法将分离纯化的菌株采用光学显微镜观察其菌丝形态特征,利用ITS序列分析技术对其进行分子鉴定,采用比色法分析次生代谢物量。结果从松树桑黄、桑树桑黄、暴马丁香树桑黄、杨树桑黄分离的菌株,其菌丝体形态特征相同,呈有隔分支,而菌落的生长速率和外观颜色不同,其中杨树桑黄的生长速率最快,达0.47 cm/d。进一步通过ITS序列分析发现,松树桑黄菌株为松木层孔菌Phellinus pini,桑树桑黄菌株为裂蹄木层孔菌Phellinus linteus,暴马丁香桑黄菌株和杨树桑黄菌株为鲍氏木层孔菌Phellinus baumii。对多糖、黄酮、多酚和三萜物质的分析发现,子实体和菌丝体中均含有这些次生代谢物,但其量与菌株来源有关。暴马丁香树来源的子实体中多糖量最高,为98.20 mg/g;杨树来源的子实体中黄酮、三萜、多酚量最高,分别为548.49、1.48、33.70mg/g。菌丝体中多糖、黄酮、多酚和三萜物质产量累积最高的菌株来源于桑树,分别为259.64、223.11、43.78、24.80 mg/L;同时发现,菌丝体中的三萜量高于子实体,其中桑树菌丝体中的三萜量是子实体的7倍左右。结论 4株桑黄菊菌株菌丝体形态基本无差异,rDNAITS序列分析技术可以鉴定桑黄菌株;4株桑黄菌丝和子实体中次生代谢物量存在差异。 Objective To isolate and identify the Phellinus igniarius strains from four different tree species and to analyze the secondary metabolites. Methods The isolated and purified strains were observed under light microscope for their mycelial morphology. ITS sequence analysis was used to identify the mycelium. The secondary metabolites were analyzed by colorimetric method. Results The results showed that the mycelium had the same morphological characteristics among the isolates of Phellinus igniarius, Phellinus igniarius, Phellinus igniarius and Phellinus linteus. The mycelium showed the same morphological characteristics and separated branches, but the growth rate and appearance color of the colonies were different. The fastest growth rate, up to 0.47 cm / d. Further analysis of ITS sequences revealed that Phellinus igniarius was Phellinus pini, Phellinus linteus was Phellinus linteus, Phellinus igniarius and Phellinus linteus were Phellinus piniperus baumii. Analysis of polysaccharides, flavonoids, polyphenols, and triterpenes revealed that these secondary metabolites were present in both fruiting bodies and mycelia, but their amounts were related to the origin of the strains. The polysaccharide content of the fruiting bodies of the genus Viola was the highest, which was 98.20 mg / g. The content of flavonoids, triterpenoids and polyphenols in fruiting bodies of poplar was the highest, 548.49,1.48 and 33.70 mg / g respectively. The highest accumulation of polysaccharides, flavonoids, polyphenols and triterpenes in mycelium originated from mulberry, which were 259.64, 223.11, 43.78 and 24.80 mg / L, respectively. Meanwhile, the amount of triterpene in mycelium was higher than that of Among them, the amount of triterpene in mycelium of mulberry is about 7 times of that of fruiting bodies. Conclusions The mycelium morphology of four strains of Scutellaria barbata is almost the same. The rDNAITS sequence analysis can be used to identify the Sanguilla species. There are differences in the secondary metabolites in the four Sanguisorrhizae strains and fruiting bodies.