赵一崞读者: 你好!今年5月1日我国实施《职业病防治法》后,经广泛宣传,尤其媒体报道东莞安加鞋厂正己烷中毒事件后,社会各界对职业危害带来的严重后果有了较深的认识。劳动者从报道中知道患职业病可获得补偿,并由用人单位支付医疗费等费用。目前,不少人主动向有关部门投诉企业中存在的职业危害问题,对自己患的病要求进行职业病诊断,维权意识在逐渐提高,这是社会的一大进步。但是,什么是职业病?有关职业病诊断的法律规定是什么?社会宣传不够,造成一些误区。一些劳动者(患者)误认为在工厂打
Zhao Yijie Reader: Hello! May 1 this year, “Occupational Disease Prevention Law”, after widespread publicity, especially after the media reported Dongguan Anjia shoe n-hexane poisoning, the social consequences of occupational hazards have serious consequences Have a deeper understanding. Laborers know from reporting that they can obtain compensation for occupational diseases, and the employer pays the medical expenses and other expenses. At present, many people take the initiative to complain about the occupational hazards that exist in enterprises in relevant departments and diagnose occupational diseases on their own. The awareness of safeguarding their rights is gradually increasing. This is a major step forward for society. However, what is the occupational disease? What is the legal regulation about the diagnosis of occupational diseases? The social propaganda is not enough, causing some misunderstandings. Some workers (patients) mistakenly believe that playing in the factory