国务院三峡办 国家档案局赴远安调研移民档案管理工作

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2002年8月31日,国务院三峡办综合司唐英瑜司长、国家档案局郭文炳司长及省移民局、省档案局一行11人亲临远安县调研移民档案管理工作。 唐司长一行首先听取了分管移民工作的县长助理许志均及移民办负责人对远安县移民档案管理工作的情况汇报,并实地察看了县移民办、鸣凤镇移民工作站的移民档案管理情况以及县档案局爱国主义教育基地、县档案馆库房规范化建设后,对远安县档案管理工作给予了充分肯定和评价。 就如何进一步加强移民档案管理工作,唐司长指 On August 31, 2002, 11 people including Director Tang Yingyu, Director General of the Three Gorges Office of the State Council, Director Guo Wenbing and Provincial Department of Immigration and Provincial Archives, went to Yuan’an County to investigate and manage the file management of immigrants. Director Tang and his entourage first listened to Xu Zhijun, assistant county magistrate in charge of immigration work and report by the person in charge of the immigration office on the file management of immigrants in Yuan’an County. He also observed the immigration file management of the county immigration office and the town of Mingfeng immigrant workstations and County Archives patriotism education base, county archives warehouse standardization building, the file management work Yuanan County has given full recognition and evaluation. On how to further strengthen the management of immigration files, Director Tang said
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