从Pentium MMX、PⅡ再到PⅢ,PC机的升级速度让人目不暇接,但在追求速度的同时是否也应想想别的呢?说到就到,联想奔月4000 PⅢ台式PC机让我们别开生面。打开联想奔月4000的机箱,我们就被其典雅的外观所吸引,从机箱、键盘、显示器到鼠标,颜色的搭配统一和谐。奔月最大的改变是在其键盘上,在键盘的标准功能键上方有一排特殊的按键,这些按键是有其专门用途的,其中1~8号键为固定定义功能键;9~11号键为用户自定义键。这些功能键可以完成某一个特定的任务,或启动某一软件等。其中8个固定定义功能键的功能顺序
From Pentium MMX, PII to PIII, PC upgrade speed dizzying, but in the pursuit of speed at the same time whether it should also think about it? Speaking of it, the Lenovo Pentium 4000 P Ⅲ desktop PC let us unique. Open the Lenovo Pentium 4000 chassis, we are attracted by its elegant appearance, from the chassis, keyboard, monitor to the mouse, the color with a unified and harmonious. The biggest change to the moon is on its keyboard, the keyboard above the standard function keys have a row of special keys, these keys have their own special purpose, of which 1 to 8 keys for the fixed definition of function keys; keys 9 to 11 Custom key for the user. These function keys can be completed for a specific task, or start a software. Eight of them define the function sequence of the function keys