
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BBQChris
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承德皇家建筑是我国现存最大的一座古代帝王宫苑,具有极高的历史文化研究价值和建筑学研究价值,同时也是驰名中外的旅游景点。它集中国古代造园艺术和建筑艺术之大成,具有鲜明的建筑特色。然而气候变化、景观过度开发、人为污染已经给避暑山庄及周围庙宇带来了不同程度的伤害,影响了历史文化景观的保存。对此保护承德历史文化遗产势在必行,我们应该加快制定切实可行的管理制度和执行机制,将保护工作落实到实处,真正的做到保护景区文物和环境,让承德历史文化遗产能够可持续的发展下去。 Chengde Royal Building is the largest existing imperial palace in China, with a high historical and cultural research value and architectural research value, but also well-known tourist attractions at home and abroad. It is the ancient Chinese gardening arts and architectural arts of the culmination, with distinctive architectural features. However, climate change, over-exploitation of landscapes and man-made pollution have brought different degrees of damage to the Summer Villa and the surrounding temples, affecting the preservation of historical and cultural landscapes. To protect Chengde’s historical and cultural heritage is imperative, we should expedite the development of practical management system and implementation mechanism, to implement the protection work, and truly protect the scenic relics and the environment so that the historical and cultural heritage of Chengde can be sustainable The development continues.