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“以产定销”非改不可长期以来,“以产定销”的一套管理办法渗透到国民经济各个方面,造成产销脱节,不能按需生产,已经到了非改不可的地步。全国解放以后,我们对资本主义工商业采取了利用、限制和改造的政策,对多数工业品的生产采取了加工订货、统购包销的办法,把它们纳入国家计划,这在当时是完全必要的。实现了全行业的公私合营以后,在所有制发生了根本变革的条件下,这种购销形式应作相应的改变,采取新的更加完善的管理办法。然而事实上,这种管理办法不但没有改变,“大跃进”以后反而统得更死了,把工业自销、信托货栈等比较灵活一点的购销形式也取消了,形成了“以产定销”。六十年代初期国民经济三年调整时,一些地方曾经有过某种松动,对少数商品恢复了订购、选购,开放了农村集市贸易,但文化大革命批判之风一起,物资和商业部门大批“流通决定论”和资产阶级的“管、卡、压”;生产企业大批自产自销的“资本主义倾向”,把物资交流的多种渠道批得只剩下了“自 For a long period of time, the “production-oriented sales” approach to management has infiltrated all aspects of the national economy, resulting in the disjunction between production and sales and the inability to produce on demand. This has now reached an unmanaged stage. After the liberation of the country, we took the policy of utilizing, restricting and reforming the capitalist industry and commerce. We took the methods of processing, ordering and underwriting the production of most industrial products and putting them under the national plan. This was absolutely necessary at that time. After realizing the public-private partnership in the whole industry, under the conditions of fundamental changes in ownership, the form of such purchase and sales should be changed accordingly and a new and improved management approach should be adopted. However, in fact, this management measure has not changed. After the “Great Leap Forward”, the system has become even more dead. The form of purchase and sale, such as industrial self-selling and trust warehouses, has also been eliminated. A “production-oriented sales” . In the early 1960s, when the national economy was adjusted for three years, some places had had some kind of loosening and the ordering, purchase and opening up of rural market trade had been resumed for a few commodities. However, with the criticism of the Cultural Revolution, a large number of goods and commerce departments The “determinism of circulation” and the “management, card and pressure” of the bourgeoisie; the “capitalist tendencies” in which a large number of manufacturing enterprises produce and sell their products themselves, leaving only the "
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