1999——世纪之交的关键年代,在此庄严时刻到来之前,世界质量的先知们早已吹响了向质量世纪进军的号角,扬起了质量世纪航船的风帆,满怀激情迎接新世纪的黎明。 《质量与可靠性》杂志——中国航天高科技产业质量可靠性工作的喉舌和媒体,中国国防(包括民用工业)唯一涵盖质量与可靠性学科的综合性刊物,理应为新世纪质量大厦的建设摇旗呐喊、擂鼓助威;理应为我国参与世界竞争——质量大战作出新贡献。为此,当
At the critical juncture of 1999 - the turn of the century, before this solemn moment, the world’s quality prophets have long sounded the horn of marching into the quality century, raised the sail of the quality century sailing vessel and took the passion to greet the dawn of the new century. Journal of Quality and Reliability - the mouthpiece and media for the quality and reliability of China’s aerospace high-tech industry and the only comprehensive publication covering the discipline of quality and reliability in China’s national defense (including civilian industry) should be the building of a quality building in the new century Shake its flag, cheer and cheer; it should be our country to participate in world competition - the quality of war to make new contributions. To this end, when