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二十世纪末,中国美术界值得大书一笔的,当属崔子范了。自1976年崔子范以大写意花鸟画问鼎画坛以来,已有20个年头了,在这20年的时间里,崔子范以超人的胆略,磅礴的气势,将中国的大写意绘画推向了一个高峰,从而确立了他在中国画坛的领先地位。崔子范出生在山东莱西的一个农民家庭,原名尚治,幼时念过私塾,在家乡读过小学、中学,后任教于家乡小学,1935年,经他的同学介绍,认识了当时在兖州乡村师范教学的一位叫张子莲的老师,张子莲曾在刘海粟创办的上海美专学过画,其画风属吴昌硕一路,在张子莲的启蒙教育下,崔子范开始了他最初的绘画实践。1937年,抗战爆发了,他的学画也暂告一段落,张子莲的启蒙,在他的心中埋下了一颗艺术的种子,在这一段时间里他间或画了一些作品,如《山雨欲来风满楼)、《柳燕》、《母子图》等,用绘画来抒发其忧国忧民的情感以及对日本侵略者的愤慨。后来他毅然投笔从戎,对绘画就无暇顾及了。之后,他辗转来到了延安,就读于当时的抗日军政学院和中央高级党校,在这里他受到了系统的教育,特别是哲学。当时教他哲学的是艾思奇。他的军旅生涯随着中华人民共和国的建立而结束,1950年,他奉命调到北京医院任政委,后又到国家统计局和国务院城建部勘察测量局担任领导职务,这次的进京给他重操画笔提供了一个契 At the end of the twentieth century, the Chinese art world deserved a big book, and it was Cui Zifan. Cui Zifan has been in the 20 years since 1976 when Cui Zifan visited the painting scene with his freehand brushwork and calligraphy and painting. In the 20 years, Cui Zifan pushed the Chinese freehand brushwork to a peak with superhuman courage and majesty , Thus establishing his leading position in the Chinese painting society. Cui Zifan was born in Shandong Lacey a peasant family, formerly known as still rule, read a private school in his childhood, primary and secondary schools in his hometown, after teaching at hometown primary school, in 1935, introduced by his classmates, met at Yanzhou Country Teachers Zhang Zilian, a teacher teaching Zhang Zilian who taught in Shanghai Academy of Art, was founded by Liu Haisu and whose style belongs to Wu Changshuo. Under the enlightenment education of Zhang Zilian, Cui Zifan started his initial painting practice. In 1937, the war of resistance broke out, and his paintings also came to an end. Zhang Zilian’s enlightenment buried an art seed in his heart. During this period of time he painted some works such as “ To the wind full floor), ”Liu Yan“, ”mother and child map" and so on, with paintings to express their feelings of concern for the country and the indignation of the Japanese invaders. Later, he resolutely decided to vote, no time to take into account the painting. Later, he moved to Yan’an where he studied at the then Anti-Japanese Military and Political College and the Central High School, where he received systematic education, especially philosophy. It was Ai Siqi that taught him philosophy at that time. His military career ended with the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In 1950, he was ordered to be transferred to the Peking Hospital as political commissar and later to the National Bureau of Statistics and the State Department of Urban Construction Survey and Measurement Bureau as a leadership post, this time to Beijing to him The reworked brush provided a lease
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战国时期,秦国有个大臣叫甘茂,因遭奸臣陷害,不得已逃往齐国。当甘茂逃出秦国的边境函谷关时,正好遇到当时很有名的纵横家 During the Warring States Period, a minister c
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