本文认为,进入21世纪以后,造成中国通货膨胀(以下简称“通胀”)的长期因素已经从以往的需求方面的因素转向供给方面的因素,即输入性通胀和结构性通胀已经成为目前国内通胀的主因,而传统的以加息为主的货币政策是对付不了这两种类型的通胀.只有相应改变应对通货膨胀的宏观调控手段,以货币政策保增长,以财政政策保稳定,才能在不伤害增长的条件下,将通胀的不利影响压缩到最小.“,”This paper argues that the long-term causes of inflation in China has undergone a transition from factors in demand to factors in supply since the 21st century,that is,transmitted inflation and structural inflation have become main causes of current inflation in our country. Traditional monetary policy with raising interest rate at the core can not deal with such two kinds of inflation. As a result,means of macro-control against inflation should be changed into the way that monetary policy is used to protect economic growth and fiscal policy is used to protect social stability in order to minimize the negative impact of inflation without harming economic growth.